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Joe Palumbo – 95 years of wisdom, humor, and generosity

Last week Hutchins Farm lost a great friend, and Concord lost a great farmer. Joe Palumbo and his 95 years of wisdom, humor, and generosity will be missed. Joe and his brother Frank ran Palumbo Farms on Lexington Road for decades; well know wholesale growers of so many different crops including celery, carrots, and in their final years the finest sweet corn. The Palumbo brothers were our mentors as we started farming in the early 70’s. When Hutchins Farm was just taking root, Joe and Frank were our farm neighbors; they rented the 35 acres next door. At first skeptical of what these two boys on the other side of the fence were up to with their organic methods, the Palumbos became our friends and helped us in so many ways to become better farmers. Their good and kind advice was always welcome. When the Palumbos retired, Hutchins Farm was fortunate to be chosen by the town to assume Frank and Joe’s lease of the Peter Spring field off Bedford road, and we have benefited so much from their fine stewardship of those acres. We also bought their vintage carrot washing equipment; every time we wash a carrot batch (and boy do we do that a lot!) we think of Joe and Frank. In his later years Joe stopped in often to check on the latest crop, marvel at the newest machine, and generally make everyone laugh heartily. A kind, gentle and generous man, a great friend, a great farmer – we’ll miss you Joe, you gave us so much, thank you.

Joe Palumbo – 95 years of wisdom, humor, and generosity
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