view in may

Thank you for a great season!

Closing day at the farmstand is upon us – the stand will close for the season today at 4:30pm, just in time for the early sunset. Just a quick note to say thank you! We, as always, would not be here without our faithful customers who return day after day, week after week, and season after season.

No season is without its challenges, but overall was a good growing year. While the variety of products is dwindling, we still have lots of good stuff to offer today at the stand, and in the weeks to come at the farmers market and on the self-serve honor system front porch. We’ll be at the Saturday Somerville Union Square Market and the Monday Cambridge Central Square Market until Thanksgiving, and there will be a limited selection of items on our honor system self-serve front porch at the stand starting later this week. Please check our website to see what might be available before making the trip over.
Again, thank you all for this season, full season wrap up newsletter to come, but we didn’t want this day to pass without an acknowledgement of what all your patronage means to us. Thank you.
-Brian Cramer and the Hutchins Farm Team
  A small portion of the crew that makes Hutchins Farm run!
Thank you for a great season!
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