
March 2018 Newsletter

With winter parked stubbornly over the region, the arrival of the vernal equinox seems somehow premature. The sun traces a longer, higher arc each day, the angle and quality of the light whispers of warm breezes riffling newly unfolded leaves, but buds remain firmly clenched against the cold, and wind-scoured snowfields persist where we had […]

November 2017 Newsletter

With another season at an end, Hutchins Farm prepares for our winter lull, the enforced leisure the northern vegetable grower feels- and chafes at a bit, but appreciates in contrast to the hectic bustle of the rest of the year. Not that complete hibernation is an option, or even a month-long Hawaiian vacation. Just a […]

Spring is Coming – April 2017 Newsletter

                    Spring is an uncertain season, full of promise and betrayal in equal measure. Never more uncertain, it seems, than this season, with expectations confounded, concerns about whether the world actually works the way we thought it did, suspicions that something fundamental has shifted-a tipping point has been passed, the rules that used to […]

End of Season Newsletter – November 2016

The drought didn’t end with the summer, but gloomy, chilly weather and periodic rains have brightened our outlook considerably. Our steps are a bit lighter as we can discern the outlines of the end of the season coming closer, mercifully closer each day. Signs and portents are everywhere: frost on the shadowy grass before the […]

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