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Around the farm, November 2014

November 2nd: It’s starting to snow?! Last day of the farmstand this season.

November 3rd: Pictured above is some of the fall crew, a heartfelt thank you to all of our spring, summer and fall crews: Sarah, Colin, Ronnie, Conor, Abby, Ellen, Katie, Danielle, Cassandra, Phil, Ramon, Ryan, Patrick, Sam A., Sam N., Caroline, Matt, Kira, Kaitlyn, Ben, Allison, Sophie, Paul, Dan, Hunter, Justin, Ainara, Ariel, Josh, Hannah, Mayn, and probably a few others I am forgetting!!

November 8th: setting up at the Union Square Farmers Market

November 10th: setting up at the Central Square Farmers’ Market

November 14th: We might have a dusting of slush out here, but we’re still harvesting lettuce, spinach, and kale!

November 17th: Wet raw day down at the Central Square Farmers Market ! Come on out and say hi! (And maybe bring hot coffee…)

November 22nd: Last Union Square Farmers Market of the season! We’ve still got lettuce!

November 24th: Rainy and warm down in Cambridge for the last Central Square Farmers Market of the season

Around the farm, November 2014
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